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How to kill process by name in Windows using WinAPI?

Sometimes you may need to terminate (kill) a process in Windows. Why may you need this? For example, you have a kiosk and you need some application to be constantly running (the Kiosk GUI), but this application is written not perfectly, it hangs. You cannot make it work better, because it's not you who wrote it. You can write a small helper application that will be checking the status of an application, say, by sending some messages to its window. And if the application window does not respond, your tiny app will just kill the GUI app and restart it.

Leaving sending messages and re-launching applications out of the scope of this small article, let's find out how to actually kill the application. 

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How to Enable TLS v1.2 in .NET Framework 4.0

Sometimes you need to use SSL/TLS protocol version 1.2 in your existing .NET 4.0 C# applications. The trick is that by default .NET 4.0 only supports TLS v1.0 and there is no standard way of forcing to use never TLS version. Why may you need a newer TLS version? Because some REST or WebService API providers have switched to using TLS v1.2 as a more secure and up-to-date protocol. 

When you get the following error, this may be also because of the outdated TLS version.

The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
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Simple program to explain SDL rendering

SDL stands for Simple DirectMedia Layer library. SDL is a cross-platform graphics library that provides low-level access to graphics, audio, keyboard hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D. SDL is well-ported to Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, and iOS. 

SDL is written in C, works with minimal effort with C++, also there are many bindings available for other languages like C#.

Simple SDL program example to explain rendering and keyboard handling

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