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What a Piezo Converter is?

Scientists around the world are struggling with the problem of prolonging the life of energy sources. Everyone knows that two differently charged objects are attracted, but usually the force of this attraction is small and unreliable. Scientists experiment and found out: special polymer plates, charged in a certain way, are attracted to each other with a force of several pounds! Despite the fact that they are charged with a charge of only one microcoulomb.

Piezo electric

Let us explain: the piezoelectric effect is the property of crystals of certain substances during compression to change the crystal lattice and, as a result, to produce an electric charge of very high voltage. For the first time this property was discovered in quartz crystals in 1880 by the French physicists Jacques and Paul Curie. Today, more than one and a half thousand substances with such properties are known, of which Rochelle salt and barium titanate are widely used. The most common device today that uses the piezoelectric effect is a convenient lighter.

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What an Electricity is?

As you know, all bodies are made up of tiny particles - molecules, molecules are made of atoms, atoms are made of even smaller protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Each particle, molecule, or body has its own energy charge.
Bodies with a positive ( + ) charge are attracted to bodies with a negative charge
(- ) charge, and if the same-named - ( + ) with ( + ) and ( - ) with ( - ), then repel.

Charges attraction and repulsion

The intensity of movement of particles in substances depends on many causes: deformation, exposure to light, heating, friction, chemical reactions.

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History of creation of Java Language

History of Java

The birth of the Java language was preceded by a rather interesting story. In 1990, the Sun Microsystems' software developer named Patrick Naughton realized that he was tired of supporting hundreds of different software interfaces used by the company, and informed Sun Microsystems' CEO and friend Scott McNealy of his intention to move to NeXT company. McNeely, in turn, asked Naughton to make a list of the reasons for his discontent and put forward such a solution to the problems as if he was God and could fulfill anything.

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