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How to assign hotkeys (stortcuts) to C# Windows Forms Controls?

In the age of web development, programming C# WinForms applications are kind of outdated, but still, many software programmers are involved in developing legacy desktop applications, which will definitely be used for years from now on. Sometimes it is easier to develop a simple WinForms application that is self-sufficient and will just work by itself rather than pay rent for Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS every month. So, the questions regarding these applications are still actual and demanded. 

When you build a form, the user is required to use the mouse to control it: click the buttons, edit text boxes, checkboxes, etc. But what if you need your form to be controlled just by the keyboard? Is it possible to press a hotkey and activate a specific control in the WinForms application? The answer is yes, and it is quite simple. 

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How to Read Direct Mouse and Keyboard Events in C++ Console App?

Usually console applications are not associated with interactivity. Most of console apps accept some parameters via command line, do their job and exit. If the interactivity is needed, one has an option to build simple letters-controlled menu. While it is OK for simple applications, it is not enough for interactive applications. An alternative would be to create windowed application, which has richer keyboard and mouse control functionality out-of-the-box. But what to do if you want to stick with console application? Windows can enable your app to receive direct events related to mouse and keyboard sent to your console window.

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How to make your C++ app independent of Visual C++ Runtime?

If you are developing the Visual C++ apps, then probably you have stumbled upon the problem that appears once you try to transfer the app ato another computer. The app shows MSVCR100.DLL (or MSVCR71.DLL) not found error.

msvcr100.dll not found

The app is fully wonrking on your computer, so thats quite confusing. Official Microsoft documentation suggests that you install special Visual C++ redistributable component. But there are lots of versions of this component: different architecture (x86 or x64), different Visual Studio versions. etc. Sometimes these components are conflicting with each other. One version is working with one program, but needs to be reinstalled to work with another program... Quite a mess!

Fortunately enough, there is a way to fix the MSVCR100.DLL missing error without the need to install runtime. But how is it possible?

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