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Ecommerce market share in the United Kingdom worth €153 billion

Ecommerce in the United Kingdom worth 153 billion euros or 133 billion pounds during year 2016. This means that there was 16 percent growth of the industry compared to previous, 2015 year. For comparison, when consumers spent 132 billion euros online with English retailers. This growth was partly due to an increased popularity of mobile mcommerce.


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Hire an Employee or Contractor?

Independent contractors and employees are not the same. It's important to well understand the difference in successfully operating your business. From the legal perspective, it is important to understand the difference to avoid distasteful legal caveats.

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New RFID Visitor Tracking Technologies at Sports, Art, and Music Events

IQ Direct RFID TicketsWhether you are a football or music fan, those unique feelings of a unity which you can experience when people gather together to look at magnificent show on the big arena are familiar to you, for sure.

Nevertheless, the jammed stands and tens of thousands of the viewers at stadium can become one of the worst experiences, especially if you have to wait in huge line on an entrance or in attempt to buy drinks when you have already got inside. At the same time not only the audience suffer. The companies operating stadiums also face problems, for example, when it is necessary to deal with cash, to operate flows of people and to resist to hooligans.

RFID, mobile applications and intellectual platforms for carrying out events provide the best experience for the audience who come to arenas.

But it isn't a must at all that everything will develop according to the worst scenario. With the competent choice of technology it is possible to achieve substantial increase of safety, to increase revenue at the event and to receive the best understanding of needs of visitors, at the same time the long waiting lines will remain in the past. The RFID technology solutions presented by IQ Direct Inc, mobile applications and intelligent tools for carrying out events  include:

  • support of named tickets and technology of access control;
  • support both online of payments, and offline payments;
  • applications for cashier operators;
  • media coverage for best user experience;
  • data collection in real time and their analysis;
  • mobile marketing;
  • and many other things, at the same time the new functions and opportunities are constantly developed and added.
Intellectual subscription

An opportunity to intellectually register all bearers of subscription tickets in the schedule would be useful both to organizers and to fans. Such feature allows to get rid of considerable part of long waiting lines, to give a better understanding about attendance, to increase speed of service, and also to have a branding opportunity. For example, giving out the discounts for certain sellers or carrying out promotional events.

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