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Tactical Augmented Reality

Tactical Augmented Reality

Tactical Augmented Reality (TAR) is a technology that blends real-time data and information with the user's view of the physical world. It has been developed for military and law enforcement purposes, but also has applications in other areas such as industrial manufacturing and logistics.

TAR technology typically consists of a head-mounted display or smart glasses, combined with a computer processor and sensors to provide users with a real-time augmented view of their environment. This augmented view can include information such as maps, target identification, or real-time tracking of personnel or vehicles.

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Directed Energy Weapons

Directed Energy Weapons

Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) have long been a staple of science fiction, appearing in everything from Star Wars to Star Trek. However, in recent years, these once-fictional weapons have become a reality, with several countries, including the United States, investing heavily in their development.

DEWs use various forms of energy, such as laser, microwave, or particle beams, to damage or disable targets. Unlike traditional kinetic weapons, which rely on the kinetic energy of a projectile, DEWs deliver their destructive force through the transfer of energy. This makes them potentially more precise, efficient, and cost-effective than traditional weapons.

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