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[Python, C] Simple program to normalize path in Linux

In Linux systems, a common way to normalize a file path means converting a potentially relative path or a path with symbolic links, dot-segments (. or ..) to an absolute path, resolving any symbolic links and eliminating any dot-segments. Below is a simple Python script to normalize a file path in Linux.

import os

def normalize_path(path):
    Normalizes the given file/directory path by expanding tilde, resolving 
    symbolic links, and eliminating dot-segments.
    - path (str): The input path to normalize
    str: The normalized path
        # Expanding any ~ symbol
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        # Getting the absolute path
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        # Resolving any symbolic links
        path = os.path.realpath(path)
        return path
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: {str(e)}")
        return None

if __name__ == "__main__":
    input_path = input("Enter the path to normalize: ")
    normalized_path = normalize_path(input_path)
    if normalized_path:
        print(f"Normalized path: {normalized_path}")
        print("Path could not be normalized.")


  • os.path.expanduser(path): Expands the initial ~ and ~user constructs to the user’s home directory.

  • os.path.abspath(path): Returns the absolute path, i.e., input path combined with the current working directory.

  • os.path.realpath(path): Returns the canonical path, resolving any symbolic links in every component of the specified path.

This script allows a user to input a path and it returns the normalized path by applying the functions mentioned. Note that handling file paths can sometimes expose security risks, so always be cautious when dealing with paths provided by users in a real-world application. Always validate inputs and consider possible malicious intent.


Below is a C program that normalizes a file path on Linux. The functionality provided by Python's os.path module, especially resolving symbolic links and obtaining absolute paths, is achieved through the use of the realpath function in C, which is found in stdlib.h.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void normalize_path(const char* input_path, char* normalized_path) {
    // Using realpath to obtain the absolute path, resolving symlinks
    if (realpath(input_path, normalized_path) == NULL) {
        perror("Error normalizing path");
        // Optionally, handle the error. For simplicity, exiting here.

int main(void) {
    char input_path[256];
    char normalized_path[256];
    // Getting the input path from the user
    printf("Enter the path to normalize: ");
    if (scanf("%255s", input_path) != 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error reading input\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    // Normalizing the path
    normalize_path(input_path, normalized_path);
    // Displaying the normalized path
    printf("Normalized path: %s\n", normalized_path);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


  • realpath: This function in C resolves the absolute path of a file, resolving all symbolic links, and relative directory symbols (. and ..). It writes the resolved path to the second parameter (a char array) and returns a pointer to it. If the function encounters an error, it returns NULL and sets errno appropriately.

To compile and run this code, you might use a C compiler like gcc.

 gcc -o normalize_path normalize_path.c ./normalize_path 

This program takes a path from the user, normalizes it using realpath, and then prints the normalized path. Make sure to test this in a safe environment since handling file paths can sometimes expose security risks, especially with user-provided input. Always validate inputs and consider the possible security implications in real-world applications.


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