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How to Request HTTP(S) API or Page in MFC

Requesting HTTP resources in MFC may be a tricky part because you cannot use simple API as you would have used with files. You have to use special classes.

If you need to download a webpage, some file or make a REST API call using C++/MFC, you can use the following simple code sample:


BOOL RequestHTTP()
	BOOL bResult = FALSE;
	CInternetSession session;

	CHttpConnection* pConnection = NULL;
		pConnection = (CHttpConnection*)session.GetHttpConnection(_T("google.com"), (INTERNET_PORT)INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT);

		if (pConnection)
			CHttpFile* pHTTPFile = NULL;

			pHTTPFile = pConnection->OpenRequest(CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_GET, _T("/"));
			if (pHTTPFile)
				bResult = pHTTPFile->SendRequest(NULL, NULL, 0);
				if (bResult)
					CString strResponse;
					char* pszBuff = new char[1025];
					int nRead = 0;
					while ((nRead = pHTTPFile->Read(pszBuff, 1024)) > 0)
						pszBuff[nRead] = 0;
						strResponse += pszBuff;


					delete[] pszBuff;

					wcout << LPCTSTR(strResponse) << endl;
					bResult = TRUE;


				delete pHTTPFile;

			delete pConnection;
	catch (CInternetException * pEx)
		pConnection = NULL;


	return bResult;

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