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Microsoft Excel Has Built-In Bitcoin Currency

“Microsoft has partnered with Bitcoin” – some users on social networks are joking now. But here is the proof screenshot:


Jokes aside, but it is known Microsoft has been working on its own blockchain and cryptocurrency implementation for a few years from now. IQ Direct is an independent software vendor which is a professional of Microsoft technologies. We can use all kinds of Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) technologies for our customer project’s needs. We make the use of blockchain development easier for businesses. We are also actively developing Etherium software solutions for our customers.

Microsoft has been using and supporting development of other blockchain platforms and its Azure service is genuinely aiming to make development easier.

Most in this whole story that is the announcement that Microsoft will build a decentralized identity solution called ION on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. Microsoft had previously shown interest in developing identity software solutions built on blockchains and, indeed, they are considered one of the primary use cases for the blockchain technology.

Additionally, Microsoft is actively working with Louis Vuitton, which has launched a blockchain with Microsoft software.

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