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RFID: Advantage over Barcode

A well-known technology in the field of automatic identification is bar coding. RFID compared with barcoding has the following advantages:
contactless reading and writing;
work out of line of sight;
long reading range;
data overwriting;
large amount of data;
simultaneous reading of a large number of tags;
label durability.

The advantages of RFID technology over bar coding.
Data from the tag is read in a contactless way.
In this case, the label should not be in the field of view of the reader and can be hidden inside the product or its packaging.
ID tag data can be added
While the bar code data is recorded only once (when printed), the information stored by the RFID tag can be changed, supplemented or replaced by another if the appropriate conditions are present.
Much more data can be written on the label.
Regular barcodes can place information no more than 50 bytes (characters), and to reproduce such a symbol, you need an area the size of a standard A4 sheet. RFID tag can easily put 1000 bytes on a chip in the area of 1 sq. Cm. Does not represent a serious technical problem and the placement of information in the amount of 10,000 bytes.
The data on the label is recorded much faster.
To obtain a bar code, it is usually necessary to print its symbol either directly on the packaging material or on a paper label. RFID tags can be implanted into the base of the pallets or the original packaging for the duration of their operation. The data on the contents of the package are recorded in a contactless way for no more than 1 s.
The data on the label can be classified
Like any digital device, an RFID tag has the ability to close a password to write and read operations. In addition, information can be encrypted. In the same label, you can simultaneously store closed and open data. This makes the radio frequency tag an ideal tool to protect goods and goods from counterfeit and theft.
RFID tags are more durable
In areas where the same tagged object can be used countless times (for example, when identifying pallets or returnable packagings), a radio frequency tag is an ideal means of identification, as it can be used 1,000,000 times.
Label better protected from environmental exposure.
RF tags are not required to be placed on the outside of the package (object). Therefore, they are better protected in the conditions of storage, processing and transportation of logistic units. Unlike a barcode, they are not affected by dust and dirt.
  RFID technology specifications Barcode
The need for a line of sight mark reading even hidden tags reading without a line of sight is impossible
Memory capacity from 10 to 10,000 bytes to 100 bytes
The ability to overwrite data and reuse tags is not
Registration range up to 7 m to 6 m
Simultaneous identification of several objects up to 600 tags per second is impossible
Resistance to environmental influences: mechanical, chemical temperature, moisture, increased strength and resistance is extremely easily damaged
The life of the label more than 10 years short
Security and counterfeit protection counterfeiting is almost impossible to fake easily.
Identification of moving objects is difficult
Use of both fixed and handheld terminals for identification yes yes
Identification of metal objects is possible.
Cost average low
According to IBM
IBM has provided the following data on the implementation of RFID technologies in the shipment process. 17 minutes and 20 seconds were spent at the distributor organization to ship one pallet with a valid order. If the distribution center sends from 1,000 to 1,500 pallets per day, it will eventually require an additional 28.89 to 43.33 hours per day. The company pays 10 dollars for each hour of work. Then daily the amount from 288, 90 to 433.30 dollars will be spent on labor. This will result in overhead costs of $ 75,114 to $ 112,658 per year if the production year is 260 days. All these costs can be offset in other areas. With the introduction of RFID technology, the time to ship one pallet is reduced to 32 seconds. Consequently, it is possible to reduce the processing time of one pallet by 96%. This is in the absence of any exceptional situations. If the distribution center processes from 1000 to 1500 pallets per day and is 80% free from exceptional situations, then for this particular application model you can save from 277.78 to 416.68 hours per day. Let the company pay 10 dollars per hour of work. Every day, you can save from $ 2777.88 to $ 4166.80 and this is only on labor costs. All this is expressed in annual savings in the amount of $ 2,222,228 to 10,833,668 dollars, on the assumption that the production year contains 260 days.

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